Samson Destroys Philistines and their Crops

Book Title: `Biblia, ad vetvstissima exemplaria : nvnc recens castigata. In quibus, præter ea quæ subsequens præfatio indicat, capita singula ita versibus distincta sunt, ut numeri præfixi, lectorem non remorentur, & loca quæsita tanquam digito demonstrent ; additis, ubi res postulavit, elegantissimis figuris Hebræa, Chaldæa, Graeca, et Latina nomina virorum, mulierum, populorum ... quæ in Biblijs leguntur restituta cum Latina interpretione, ac lorum à Cosmographis descriptione

Author: Haeredes Arnoldi Birckmanni

Image Title: Samson Destroys Philistines and their Crops

Scripture Reference:

Description: After Samson burned Philistine fields by tying torches to the tails of foxes (background), he slew 1,000 Philistines with the jawbone of an ass and quenched his thirst with water supplied by God (foreground).

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