
Book Title: Spiegel om wel te sterven, : aanwyzende prentverbeeldingen van het lyden onzes Zaligmakers Jesu Christi alles wat een zieke betaamt om gelukkig te sterven, volgens de woorden Philipp. I: vers 21. / door D: Vigne. Verzied met 42 fyne geëtste kopere platen, door Romein de Hoog

Author: La Vigne, David de, ca. 1614-1684

Image Title: Death

Scripture Reference:

Description: A statue of Poseidon stands within a small temple in the background, around which people engage in various leisure activities. In the far background, the Trinity, surrounded by an orouboros, watches the proceedings. IN the foreground, Death personified as a skeleton knocks on the door of a tomb. The Latin text on the tomb reads, "Statutum est annibus hominibus semel mori," or "it is appointed to men once to die." Below, a skeleton places a man in his coffin and another blows a trumpet. Mourners surround the scene, men on the right, women on the left.

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