Twenty-ninth of May or Restoration of King Charles II

Book Title: Thysiasterion [romanized form of greek letters] vel scintilla altaris. Primitive devotion, in the feasts and fasts of the Church of England, by Edward Sparke

Author: Sparke, Edward, d. 1692

Image Title: Twenty-ninth of May or Restoration of King Charles II

Scripture Reference:

Description: In 1660, Charles II, the exiled son of the beheaded Charles I, reclaims the crown of England. This engraving illustrates Charles II return, as well as significant events from his reign, including the Great Fire of London (lower left), the restoration of the Church of England (lower right) , the Rye House Plot, where conspirators planned to murder Charles and his brother James, his successor (upper left), and the Anglo-Dutch Wars (upper right).

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