Parable of the Good Samaritan

Book Title: Biblia Sacra iuxta vulgat[am] quam dicvnt editionem, a mendis qvibus innumeris ... scatebat, summa cura paríque fide repurgata, atque ad priscorum probatissimorúmque exemplariorum normam, adhibita interdum fontium autoritate, Ioannis Benedicti Parisiensis theologi industria restituta ... Adiecta est in fine Hebraicarum, Graecarum, caeterarúmque peregrinarum vocum ... interpretatio ...

Author: Benoit, Jean, 1484?-1573, ed.

Image Title: Parable of the Good Samaritan

Scripture Reference:

Description: Jesus tells the story of a Samaritan who stops to help a man wounded by thieves, while a priest and a Levite pass by.

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