Research Carrel Application

Research Carrels at Pitts

study carrels with desk chairs and lamps

The third floor of Pitts Theology Library hosts a room of assigned research carrels. Carrels may be assigned to Candler students writing theses or independent studies, Emory ABD PhD students in any field writing a dissertation that draws heavily upon Pitts’ collections, emeriti faculty, and visiting faculty. There is an online application for use of a locker and carrels in this room. Researchers assigned a locker have prox card access to the room during the library’s open hours. Please review the room use policies below before requesting a space. Once this application is received, library staff will verify the information it contains and reply within three business days. Pitts Theology Library reserves the right to deny or refuse access to the carrel room if the application information is inaccurate or unable to be verified.

Application Form