Upcoming Workshop: Zotero/Citation

Knowing how, when, and where to cite information can be one of the trickiest aspects of academic writing. This week’s library workshop will introduce you to citation basics, including Zotero, a powerful research and citation management system. Please download and install Zotero to your personal computer before you arrive and bring your laptop with you! Register here to get free lunch as a bonus! 

Workshop: Digital Tools for Practical Ministry

Knowing the reality of the current ministerial landscape, you will likely have to wear many hats in your future career! This workshop gives an overview of the many tools that are available to help with communication (email systems like MailChimp), data management (not just excel, but also Tablau and Google Sheets), and Web Presence (WordPress and Omeka). Investing some time in tools like these will save you headaches in the future!

Be one of the first 10 to register and enjoy a free lunch on us! All workshops take place from 12-1pm in RARB 250.